Had a request today where a tenant was trying to delete a virtual network but they received an error saying there were dependent IP addresses but they have no IP addresses listed in the network. Using my current favourite PowerShell feature, Out-GridView, […]
I had to give an overview of our Cloud OS network topology to our support and engineering guys to help them understand at high levels how it all fitted together. The below diagram hopefully demonstrates the 3 layers – physical, logical and […]
Edit: added Cloud parameter to the script. Deploying WAP for clients, they start creating new clouds, plans and subscriptions which is great!! But how do they add existing VM’s to new users in WAP? Easy….. you guessed it…. PowerShell! So I can’t […]
Had a user try to upload a theme to a WordPress site they had published using Windows Azure Pack but were getting a file exceeded size limit error as exampled below. “The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini” Typically you […]
Quick scribble: add images and detail 3 steps 1) Template > NIC > Set Connected > Set static IP & Static MAC > OK 1) Template > NIC > Set No Connected > Confirm static IP & Static […]
Fast publish (this is becoming a common phrase) so be kind… When refreshing host cluster in VMM, for some reason we started to see the below error in VMM: Error (25122) The specified address ((AllocatedIPAddressData#e449) { id = 6ea8ddba-b8a7-43f6-856e-0a4d35076681, LastUpdatedTimestamp = […]
This is for editing the Windows Azure Pack URL’s and Ports. Works as of WAP for Server 2012 R2 UR5. Modify your variables accordingly. I have each WAP site on an individual server for a scaled deployment so this […]
I recently had a POC WAP environment where the client wanted the web sites default domain changed. Ordinarily you can’t do this through the web ui nor is it recommended.. But that does not mean it’s not possible.. As the title suggests, […]
This is a fast publish! We were working with WAP and had an issue on one of our deployments not getting usage information. Never had this issue in previous deployments but identified that our SCOM DW SQL is on a Named […]