This is a fast publish!


We were working with WAP and had an issue on one of our deployments not getting usage information.

Never had this issue in previous deployments but identified that our SCOM DW SQL is on a Named Instance on this deployment.

The fix that worked for me with SQL Named instances to change the connection string to use “Trusted Connection”.
My environment:
SCOM MS Server = SCOM01.Demo.Corp
SCOM DW Server = SCOMDW.Demo.Corp
SPF Server = SCSPF01.Demo.Corp
SQL Named Instance = SCOMDW.Demo.Corp\SCOMDW
Modified the script from:




Import-module spfadmin

# Provide server name to the OM DW SQL instance
$OMDWSqlServer = “SCOMDW.Demo.Corp”
$OMDWSqlInstance = “SCOMDW.Demo.Corp\SCOMDW”

# Provide server name to the OM RMS Server
$OMServer = “SCOM01.Demo.Corp”

# Register the SCOM Data Warehouse instance to SPF usage metering
$stamp = Get-SCSPFStamp;
$server = New-SCSPFServer -Name $OMServer -ServerType OMDW -Stamps $stamp[0];

#For SPF RTM use the following command:
$setting = New-SCSPFSetting -Name $OMDWSqlServer –Value “Data Source=$OMDWSqlInstance;Initial Catalog=OperationsManagerDW;Trusted_Connection=True” -SettingType DatabaseConnectionString –Server $server


Viola! Working.

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