Brilliant little tool Hrisan Dzhankardashliyski at Edit: updated the script block to enable copy & paste 😀 # Author: Hrisan Dzhankardashliyski # Date: 20/05/2015 # Inspiration from # #</a> # # and # #</a> # […]
How to create a custom service monitor and automatically restart it For this little demo, we will be using the Print Spooler service and targeting Windows Operating System This will target all version of Server and Client OS […]
Edit: added Cloud parameter to the script. Deploying WAP for clients, they start creating new clouds, plans and subscriptions which is great!! But how do they add existing VM’s to new users in WAP? Easy….. you guessed it…. PowerShell! So I can’t […]
Another quick & dirty fast publish: When live migrating a VM from one Hyper-V to another Hyper-V when the virtual switch names are different, using the GUI you get a prompt to select the swtich on the target host. […]
This is for editing the Windows Azure Pack URL’s and Ports. Works as of WAP for Server 2012 R2 UR5. Modify your variables accordingly. I have each WAP site on an individual server for a scaled deployment so this […]
Hi, Powershell script to create a VM after prompting the user for various settings. The script then attaches an ISO which is a boot media for an MDT server that is built tp push a particular task sequence resulting in a failry […]