2016 SCDPM SQL Windows Server

DPM 2016 and SQL 2016 – Error 4387



SQL01 – SQL 2016 RTM install (At this point in time I still recommend SQL2014 for DPM2016)

DPM01 – Data Protection Manager 2016 RTM install

When ‘check and install’ get the below error. Clicking on OK then closes the installer



How did we get here?

  1. Install SQL 2016 RTM on SQL01.
  2. Setup remote access for DPM01.
  3. Install DPM Prereq’s on SQL01.
  4. attempt to Install DPM 2016 RTM… and baboom… Error 4387.


How to fix?

Well, having a quick search lead me to here.. The solution that worked for my scenario was in the comments from a chap named Edward.

So, I uninstalled SSMS 17.1 (even though you don’t need to, it’s just a ‘me’ thing), then installed 16.5.3 from here.

Reran the installer and I was presented with great success!

Hope this helps anyone deploying DPM 2016 and hoping to get it running on SQL 2016 without embarking on the SQL2014 upgrade option..


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